
26/11/2013 New layout of our main website for easier navigation
25/06/2013 Youtube clips online - Discover our product!
03/05/2013 Follow us on Twitter
23/04/2013 Find us on Facebook as well.
22/03/2012 Your Healthappointment webpage has a new look!
21/03/2012 New and improved synchronisation between Healthappointment and Outlook
26/11/2011 New secure homepage and dynamic appointment slots for patients
15/07/2011 Printing data of an appointment for a patient
25/11/2010 Possibility to register multiple medical secretaries and improvement of the appointment screen
08/10/2010 New lay-out with introduction of follow up appointments.
12/07/2010 New agenda configurations settings.
13/06/2010 Total synchronization with Microsoft Outlook
04/04/2010 Multipe agenda management for group practices.
28/02/2010 New agenda lay-out with color functions and new booking criteria.
29/10/2009 Open simultaneous multiple agendas in group practice
15/03/2009 New presentations of free appointments for patients and medical representatives
15/12/2008 Introduction of a completely new agenda with “drag and drop” features.
23/09/2008 Improved performance and multiple appointments for patients.
16/05/2008 Synchronization of the web agenda to your Outlook agenda.
12/04/2008 Improved appointment management and search possibilities.
14/03/2008 Improved agenda for group practice and finalization of the help function.
11/01/2008 Improved agenda configurations and introduction of the helpfunction.
11/07/2007 Insertion of a contact form in the physician''s website.
14/06/2007 Better visual country indication and improved search function for patients in appointment module.
13/06/2007 Latest Microsoft development framework has been used to obtain more performance and scalability.
07/03/2007 Improved agenda configurations and new search engine for websites of doctors.
22/01/2007 Defining reserved periods in agenda for home visits.
14/01/2007 Extension of agenda search criteria and customisation of e-mail message.
21/12/2006 Defining a latency period that manages the accessibility of the agenda for each type of appointment.
13/11/2006 Healthappointment offers to each doctor or dentist a FREE website where all relevant information concerning his / her practice can be defined. Through a search engine, this website can be found easily.
13/11/2006 New layout based on recent internet technology
10/10/2006 New on line agenda functionalities are added.
25/08/2006 Easy agenda access for secretary to all members of a group registration.
25/08/2006 Stronger appointment access for patients by multiple appointments types.
25/08/2006 Patient data retrieval for the doctor.
09/06/2006 Possibility of defining a password for secured acccess to the webagenda for patients.
01/05/2006 Two weeks free try out for doctors.
23/02/2006 Private appointments are possible in the agenda where other types are not defined.
14/02/2006 Upload of documents in the webpage (extensions: .doc .txt .pdf or .xls)
29/01/2006 Links to relevant medical websites are introduced in the homepage.
24/01/2006 Defining of a start date for all types of appointments.
04/01/2006 Defining of a start date for appointments for medical representatives.
05/12/2005 Set up of the latency period that defines the accessibility of the agenda.
15/11/2005 Introduction of the web agenda for medical examinations.
25/10/2005 The medical webpage is accessible in several languages.